Launching a paysite and accepting credit cards: how does it work?

Jonathan Corona
4 min readFeb 23, 2021

As a neophyte, the task of selecting and integrating a payment processor with one’s website may appear as an insurmountable task, however, with a reliable, knowledgeable, and honest payment processor as your partner, it doesn’t have to be. Even the seasoned business owner and industry veteran can become overwhelmed at the options available in today’s marketspace when it comes to selecting a merchant service provider.

First, we’ll start with the process for a new company launching a new website. Many first-timers make the mistake of putting the cart before the horse and worry too much about hurrying to establishing a merchant account and integrating with the shopping cart and gateway before the website is ready to launch and accept business. Many new business are anxious to check that box on their to-do list however, it needn’t be checked too soon for several reasons. Before getting in bed with a merchant processor, one ought to confirm the compatibility between the shopping cart that has been selected for the website and the gateways offered by the candidates for the role of merchant service provider to ensure the shopping cart is certified to integrate with the gateways available. Too many times I have seen a business owner jump the gun only to learn that the shopping cart isn’t compatible with the gateway which ultimately results in additional cost and time lost to reintegrate with a compatible shopping cart. Another common mistake is securing and integrating the merchant account too soon resulting…

